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Small business owners have mixed emotions about Biden’s vaccine mandate


The Biden administration announced on September 9 that small businesses with more than 100 employees would need to mandate vaccinations or carry out weekly Covid tests. Companies will face a fine of $14,000 per violation.

While many large corporations required employees to get vaccinated before this announcement, Biden’s mandate is estimated to impact an additional 80 million American employees—nearly two-thirds of the private sector workforce. The announcement received major pushback from Republican state attorneys general who called the plan “disastrous and counterproductive.” Although some small business owners were shocked by the bold and sweeping actions, others have felt relief and welcomed the mandate.

Mixed feelings about the mandate

Lesia Daniel-Hollingshead, who owns Funtime Preschool with her brother, Walter Daniel, in Clinton, Mississippi, employs over 80 full-time workers. Before the vaccine mandate was announced, Daniel-Hollingshead had pursued every avenue to encourage her employees to get vaccinated. She and her brother had worked closely with her corporate attorneys to write a policy that “wouldn’t be perceived as coercive,” offered paid time off, and arranged one-on-one chats with her employees to discuss their situations to see if they were eligible for a vaccine exemption. Those worked; she estimates that Funtime’s vaccination rate went from less than 20% to 60%.

But now comes the challenging part. How to get the rest of her staff vaccinated?

Daniel-Hollingshead admitted that she has mixed feelings about the mandate. When the announcement first came out, “I could not believe that the president of the United States was standing up and telling 80 million Americans that they had to inject something into their body,” she said.

The Covid-19 pandemic has revived a debate over immunization and personal freedom that goes back to colonial times. During the Revolutionary War, George Washington first mandated smallpox inoculation among his troops, which was key to winning the war. The debate on smallpox has receded because the virus was eradicated in the 1970s through two centuries of vaccination. Nowadays, all 50 US states and Washington, DC, have vaccine requirements for children to attend school and child care facilities. Biden’s seemingly aggressive approach is an adoption of the emergency provision in the Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970.

After seeing her employees testing positive and having to send a dozen two-year-olds home to quarantine for 14 days, Daniel-Hollingshead has reevaluated the situation. “There’s no way we can provide child care for children without a teacher in the classroom being face-to-face with them for 11 hours,” she said. With over 200 kids who are too young to get vaccinated themselves running around her facility, Daniel-Hollingshead has to do her part to ensure their safety. As a private business solely relying on tuition, she is “in a tough spot to tell parents your child can’t come to school, but you still have to pay for your tuition.”

With only 83 employees, Funtime doesn’t technically fall under the umbrella of the mandate. But she is tired of acting like the bad cop with regards to policing her employees. “I know that without a federal vaccine mandate, I will have to rely on personal relationships to enforce measures that will keep my employees and my families safe,” Daniel-Hollingshead said. But as long as the mandate only applies to businesses over 100 workers, there is no easy fix to her dilemma.

Wishing the mandate was more inclusive

Some owners of even smaller businesses—like those maintaining single-digit payrolls—wish this mandate was more inclusive.

There are nearly 31.7 million small businesses in America. Most have no employees beyond the owner, like sole proprietorships. But small businesses are the economy’s job engine: they created 1.6 million net new jobs in 2019, with firms employing fewer than 20 workers generating 1.1 million net new jobs.

In a survey by Small Business Majority, completed before Biden’s mandate was announced, 51% of 488 small businesses surveyed supported their state requiring businesses to mandate vaccinations compared to 42% who oppose it. Among the 488 small businesses sprawling across the country, 68% have fewer than ten employees. With one-in-five small businesses facing potential closure in the next six months, they need more certainty to keep their businesses open effectively and safely.

In Denver, Jeff Bebout owns a coffee shop and roastery. He is the only full-time worker and is assisted by three part-time employees. Bebout started his business in January 2020 and has endured the economic brunt of the pandemic. Going to a public-facing job every day and having a toddler at home, Bebout firmly supports the mandate.

“I wish it was more, but even more than that, I wish we didn’t have to mandate it,” Bebout said. “I wish people would just use common sense, care about the general public, and willingly do it, but that’s just not the world we live in unfortunately.”

Others call the mandate a government overreach

Yet not all small businesses are onboard with Biden’s plan. In another survey, conducted by the Small Business Association of Michigan (SBAM) of 680 small businesses, 58% of owners didn’t support the mandate.

“Small business owners tend to be opposed to anything the government does to get in between employers and employees or to take the decision away from the business in setting the terms of employment,” Brian Calley, the SBAM president, explained.

Jobs Creators Network (JCN), a conservative small business advocacy group, even planned to sue the Biden administration to block the vaccine mandate. In a press release, JCN called the mandate unconstitutional. On October 13, a billboard popped up in New York City’s Time Square that read, “Hey Joe, Time to Let the Mandate GO!” JCN funded the billboard to hammer Biden’s vaccine mandate. “Stop making small businesses your vaccine police,” the sign said, next to an image of Biden putting his hand over his forehand.

When asked about the proposed lawsuit, JCN President Elaine Parker said, “It’s one thing for a business owner to require and want their employees to be vaccinated. That’s their decision. But when the federal government comes in and requires businesses to police their employees, provide paid time off…or they’re gonna face $14,000 fines per violation, it’s just overreach.” Parker clarified that her organization is not “taking a position of anti-vaccine.” She cited the labor shortage and the cost of carrying out weekly tests as major concerns of small businesses.

“I spoke with Lawrence Transportation in the Midwest… and he’s over the threshold, and they’re already having trouble getting enough truckers, technicians, and administering the people to run the company,” Parker said. “He’s very concerned that he’s going to lose people as a result.” Parker also cited how employees at companies with more than 100 employees who do not want to be vaccinated are leaving companies the size of Lawrence Transportation to work for companies below the 100-employee threshold that are exempt from the federal vaccine mandate.

In Parker’s view, labor shortages have already burdened small business owners as unemployment checks and stimulus packages kept would-be workers at home, although research has shown little correlation between stimulus measures and unemployment.  64% of those surveyed by SBAM, days after federal unemployment assistance ended, said it’s harder to keep their business fully staffed than during pre-pandemic times. For businesses desperate to hire, they fear a requirement for vaccination cards would push away otherwise eligible applicants.

Small business owners’ resistance is “heightened by the severe shortage in the workforce and the apprehension of getting involved in the personal healthcare decisions of their employees,” Calley said.

The threshold of 100 employees

Whether supporting or opposing the Biden plan, these business owners are puzzled by the number 100—the threshold set by the Biden administration to enforce the vaccine mandate.

Daniel-Hollingshead of Funtime said that to her it doesn’t matter if she has 50 employees or 150 employees; they all have to interact with children, who are among the most susceptible to Covid.

Advocacy groups and experts are also stumped about this threshold number. “We just think it’s such an arbitrary number to select, and it makes no scientific sense. It certainly makes no legal sense,” Parker said.

The US Small Business Administration views any company with fewer than 500 employees, as small businesses (and claims that 99.9% of all US businesses meet that criteria). The Affordable Care Act requires companies with 50 or more workers to offer medical coverage to full-time employees. So why not just use these numbers as the threshold to enforce the mandate?

Dr. David Michaels, the former head of Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), the federal agency that will regulate the mandate, tweeted, “The OSHA standard should cover all workplaces. There is no reason to limit these protections to only those workplaces with 100 or more workers.”

Physical proximity to others and exposure to disease determine a person’s risk of contracting Covid rather than the size of the business they work for. Health care workers, personal care aides, first responders, and teachers are among the occupations that face the greatest risk, according to the data from O*NET, a database maintained by the Department of Labor.

Sara Lieber from Senior Sidekicks, a senior care service in Illinois, has always done fieldwork where she accompanies the patient to different locations, like doctor’s offices and retirement facilities. “I accept risk,” she said.

But rather than having a threshold of the number of employees, she thinks the mandate should be based on the industry a business is in. According to Lieber, “If you can’t do what you do from a Zoom, then you need to be vaccinated, because the flip side of freedom is my responsibility to the people around me.”

Here’re the best reasons for buying a semi-truck today


It is a given that there are numerous types of trucks. But one could say that even among trucks, we have trucks. Semi-trucks are some of the most used types of trucks today. Semi-trucks also known as semi-trailer trucks are a very important part of the construction industry today. However, you might be wondering what led to the use of the term semi-trailer truck?

This article will be focused on the definition or description of a semi-trailer truck. Then we will consider the importance of semi-trailer trucks today. As well as why you need to buy your very own semi-trailer truck. Maybe, in the end, you would come to understand why trusted semi truck manufacturers are in demand.

Introduction to Semi-Trucks

But before we really hit things off, how about a brief but well-needed intro into our guest star? Semi-trailer trucks are obviously types or classes of heavy-duty trucks.

Most times semi-trailer truck I referred to as semi-trucks to stop this does not have anything to do with their size. Instead, send me refers to the trailer component. A complete trailer is equipped with both fronts as well as rear axles and his moves with the help of a tractor or a truck. However, I’ll send it to you later I equip two trailers that have no front axles or wheels instead it only possesses a rear axle hence the term semi-trailer truck.

In fact, semi-trailer trucks are usually very large. Your typical 18 Wheeler truck is an example of a semi-trailer. To emphasize the size of the vehicle some even referred to it as the big rig or semi-trailer tractor trucks.

There are various kinds of semi-trailer trucks. The type you decide to use depends on the product being moved. Well we might not list out the various types, we will list out a few of them:

  1. Container semi-trailer
  2. Dry bulk semi-trailer
  3. Low bed semi-trailer
  4. Driving semi-trailer, etc.

Why you should buy a Semi-Truck

First of all, semitrailers tend to be extremely durable when taking care of. This means, that with proper maintenance you do not have to worry about your semi-trailer truck breaking down all of a sudden.

Second, semi-trailer trucks lead to an increase in productivity. While your typical truck could carry a few hundred tons of products, this semi-trailer trucks double that amount in a single trip.

Third, they are always worth something. In other words, the semi-trailer truck is an asset. In the sense that, even when you are done using it can still be sold or rented out to generate income.


The reasons mentioned above as some of the best reasons behind your purchase of a semi-trailer truck. However, they are not the only reasons. This means that you could have a lot of other reasons behind your purchase of a semi-trailer truck.

So here’s the question you should ask yourself. Why wait anymore? If you really need a semi-trailer truck, now is definitely the right time to make a move.

You can be assured that you will definitely enjoy your decisions to the full.

Unique panda stuff and accessories that stands out


Are you a panda fan who would love to create it into a unique fashion statement? Well, you’re in luck because this store has all things panda and more. The panda stuff is categorized into accessories, clothing items, home décor, cute hoodies, mugs, etc. The articles are not just simple designs; they combine creativity, imagination, and artistic expression into a collection that caters to everyone’s needs. Let’s discuss further.

Why you are missing out:

Now trying out these exquisite panda inspired items may not be on top of your list but look before you decide. The items are innovative, made with high-quality source material, and carry visionary comfort. The best items offer solutions to everyday problems, right? If you have a young one that loves stuffed toys, then these panda animals are the way to go, while the right insulated coffee mug can help boost your mood in the morning. Try these unconventional comfort shoes with panda cartoons for a bold chic look. Furthermore, ideal panda accessories can inspire you to reach new heights.

Amazing Baby panda stuff:

Baby products are always in huge demand, and giant panda stuff makes no exception when it comes to fulfilling the client demands. Baby panda clothes make a resourceful contribution to enhancing your babies’ wardrobe. If you’re searching for cute costumes to gift your niece or a friend’s baby, these clothes are waiting to be explored. Each set is made of soft, superior fabric that protects the baby’s skin. They have a generous array of rompers, two-piece panda sets, and little cute panda bear sets for toddlers. There is nothing better than seeing your little ones hopping around happily in fun new clothes.

T-shirts, panda dress and hoodies:

Now pandas are a symbol of comfort, leisure, safety, and sometimes sleepiness. This makes it a perfect clothing feature for men and women. The various variety of hoodies, t-shirts, sweaters, and more will fill your shopping desires with color and style. Whether you want a funky sweater to warm your soul plus make you look chic or want a homey hoodie to wear on the weekends, giant panda stuff has you covered. Let’s see some features:

  • Summer Beach dress: an elegant and vintage panda print sleeveless dress, made of polyester, V neckline, stand thickness and five sizes to choose from
  • Woman panda hoodie: large front pocket, pullover accessory, panda cartoon available in five sizes
  • Sleepwear pajamas: women cotton set, full length clothes with panda print in color green
  • o-neck T-shirt: various colors, cute panda memes and cartoons, made of premium cotton

Shop for comfortable panda shoes:

No one does shoes better than giant panda stuff, and that is a fact. The designer footwear and slippers the brand features aim to provide a quality service in the domain of trends and on-going fashion. The rates are affordable, the styles are creative, and the shoes are versatile. What more can panda lovers ask for? Take a trip to the beach with your new fancy sandals or walk to the grocery store with confidence. Let’s see some:

  • Cartoon slippers: made of quality cotton, Stretching panda ears as decoration, TRP sole material and Plush fabric on top ideal for outdoor activities
  • Toddler warm shoes: suitable for 1 to 3 age children, unisex, EVA sole material with soft upper Knit, comes in multiple colors
  • print flat slippers: made of PVC and rubber, for outdoor activities, likable cartoon prints
  • Soft Paw Plush Slippers: made with premium cotton, indoor house shoes that cover your whole feet comfortably

Go nuts for ideal panda accessories:

This versatile selection doesn’t just have clothes to entice its customers. When they claim they have something for everyone, they mean it. They offer panda paintings, stickers, puzzles, posters, and so much more. Each item is carefully manufactured to provide happiness and satisfaction to the viewers. It’s time to upgrade your walls and closet with some trendy accessories

  • Unique panda paintings: These consist of an array of beautiful hand-drawn or printed drawings to take your art collection to the next level. Get inspired with some playing pandas or a fluffy grown one eating bamboo.
  • Car Stickers: glam up your car with some cute and eye-catching stickers. The stickers consist of designs that include some with panda holding gums, funny cartoons, Banksy panda stickers, etc.
  • Snow globes and puzzles: create a smile on your loved ones with a laser cutting DIY toy, gift your child a cute panda puzzle, decorate your office with the beautiful snow globes.
  • Cute keychains: You won’t be able to resist these handmade vintage keychains for sure. It’s time to go around with some cute cartoons swinging in style with your backpacks.

One shop stop at the panda stationery collection:

What’s better than panda keychains? That would be the giant selection of stationery products at giant panda stuff. Here you will find all your stationary loving heart craves from pens, cases, carton inspired notebooks, bookmarks, etc. The panda designs on your favorite products add a layer of cuteness, style, and elegance that was missing before. Let’s check some out:

  • Crying panda bookmark: made of durable PVC, about 10 cm and visually pleasing to the eye
  • Embroidery Fold Notepad: cute panda plush fur exterior, size of 21.5*14.8 cm and weighs about 291 g
  • Double layer pencil case: eight designs to choose from, made with Fabric and size about 21.5cm * 12.5cm

Panda Jewelry:

If you love a bold, cute look that shows off your vibrant personality, then make sure to check these out. Choose a necklace that goes perfectly with your summer outfits or panda earrings for a bit of funk. Don’t be shy, you wear and be who you want to be.

  • Panda Stud Earrings: made with premium alloy and for women, 1.4*1.4 cm in size
  • Panda Rhinestones ring: fashionable, silver, and black in color and made of alloy and rhinestones
  • Bracelets: enjoy stainless steel cute brackets to compliment your outfits or adjustable homemade bamboo bracelet

With so much to offer in expressions of quality, style, trend, and creativity, giant panda stuff is officially panda heaven. Everything related to panda bears is exceptional, and you get to carry it around with you. Let’s get shopping!

How To Pick The Right Type Of Toilet Bidets


Toilet paper is simply not the answer to being hygienic. Enter the toilet bidets. Clearly better than toilet paper in terms of hygiene, there’s no wonder why the world is falling in love with toilet bidets. Throw in the fact that they are economical and you have got the complete package.

However, did you know that they are different types of toilet bidets? Surprised. Well, in this article, we are going to be pointing out some of them. Perhaps, in the end, you may just have a favorite.

Are you ready?

Let’s dive in!

Types of Toilet Bidets

Here are some of the more popular toilet bidets.

The Standalone Bidets

These bidets are also called the ceramic bidets. This type of bidets comes completely separate from the bathroom and the toilet.

You probably already guessed that this is the more classic bidet seat. It is indeed. You will probably find the standalone bidets in most parts of Europe.

The standalone toilet bidets have seen its popularity dive down. If you prefer the standalone toilet bidet, then you will be happy to know that they are available at very cheap prices.

However, these toilet bidets have little or not worth when it comes to modern features.

The Toilet Seat Bidets

This is the type of bidet seats that are found in most parts of the United States and Canada. It can be used with pretty much any toilet and is quite fanciful if you ask me.

The toilet bidets can easily be navigated with a remote. Sometimes, it comes with a level or a control panel.

These toilet bidets come in a variety of patterns. Depending on what you want, you might get more features or fewer features.

This also affects the price. This is good news if you are on a tight budget. The toilet seat bidets seem to be the future.

Hand-held Toilet Bidets

Then you have the hand-held bidets. This type of bidets is also known as shatter. This name comes from the Middle East. As the name implies, you get to hold the bidet like a hose. It is connected to your water with its mouth as a sprayer.

The great part about this the toilet bidet is that it is quite affordable. They are also very easy to navigate. For most people, this makes them one of the favorite bidets to use.

As you probably suspected, they are very popular among communities with the Islamic faith.

Which one should I get?

It all depends on you. You should get a bidet that you are comfortable with. Also, make sure that it is also in line with your budget.

If you are looking for where to get the best toilet bidets, then you should check out Techasebidets. They have some of the most advanced bidets right now. It’s also incredibly easy to use. You will also find that the installation process is as easy as pie.

So if you are looking to buy a toilet bidet, this is the time to get started.

A Brief Dive Into Square Paper Doilies


If you have ever been to an event, you will notice the use of square paper doilies placed around the tables. The importance of the paper doilies cannot be overemphasized, and the overall aesthetic appeal cannot be compared to another. Square paper doilies come in a wide product range and their applications are endless.

Square paper doilies are used for beautification and your protection of certain ornaments. Yes, they are ornaments on their own and they are very useful. In your home, you may have a lot of flower pots and vases placed in various parts of the house but you may not want to have them come in contact with the floor or wall surface. These are where the square paper doilies come in.


It is very vital when it comes to decorating your dining tables and chairs. In a situation where you may have very important guests in your home, it will be very improper to serve them a good meal without placing a good square paper doily under. Square paper doilies are not to be left out when you are planning the entire decorations for your home and any indoor or outdoor occasions. These square paper doilies are fantastic works of art and they need to be greatly appreciated. In the hands of a creative person, a lot of wonderful and artistic things can be created that a lot of people will love and appreciate. Square Paper doilies are very useful and it brings out the best in any environment it is placed in.

Over the years, a lot of interior decorators have used these square paper doilies to create a lot of magic and beautifully looking works of art that people have grown to love. As they go through their works, a lot of people have commented that that use of these square paper doilies has helped them a great deal. Even in the home, in case you decide not to use it for your furniture or to serve food, it can be given to a top-notch artist to create something special for you. Once you place it anywhere in your home, it will bring in a special feeling to that part of your home.


The Square paper doilies are not difficult to find. In most cases, it comes with a large pack which gives you the ability to use it for a very long time. The square paper doilies are very unique products are they are the best things you can get.

However, what you need is the best and we at Jinan Guangmei Paper products got you covered. All over the world, we have been recognized as one of the best when it comes to the creation of top-notch paper doilies for both indoor and outdoor uses.

We have risen high above our competition and we have done the very best in delivering the best products over the years. Try out our square paper doilies today.

How to Choose the Best Bathroom Vanity Bunnings Seller in Australia


If you live in any part of Australia, you would most likely be interested in getting the best cabinets and storage capacities for your bathroom. Getting the furniture and bathroom cabinets just right would be crucial to ensuring that you have a well-organized bathroom. Most people have found that getting a bathroom vanity Bunnings can be quite the lifesaver.

While this is true, there is often the trouble of actually finding the right retail seller right here in Australia and even outside the country. If you are currently facing this issue, here are some points which could help you now and in the future.

Delivery options matter

When choosing a retailer and its product, one thing which you have to look at is your delivery options. Do they deliver to your town or do you have to go to another city just to get it? Having this in mind would allow you to make a quick decision when you are confronted with this issue.

Our recommendation is that you always go with a seller which can always deliver regardless of where you are in the country.

Reputation is key

bathroom vanity Bunnings
bathroom vanity Bunnings

Another thing which would help you choose wisely would be the reputation of your seller. Usually, this should not be too hard to find out. In this world we live in, the internet is proving to be a good source of information when it comes to finding out the truth. You could also find out more from friends or people that you know that have used that seller.

However, be careful though! Sellers could actually put out fake reviews just to draw unsuspecting customers towards them. However, these reviews are usually very easy to spot.

Costs and Customer Service

Another hint you might get when choosing can come from their customer service or care. It is always a good idea to go with a seller which has shown that he cares about his customers and how their customer satisfaction. Going with one which doesn’t could very well end in disaster.

This would however not even be considered if the costs of the product are outrageous. Costs are one thing that decides a lot of issues. If the seller sets a price which is just not in your range, it might be time to take a walk. However, it is vital that you also do not rush into a purchase just because the price is lower or much cheaper. Sometimes, lower costs actually translate to cheaper products. It is vital that you remember this before making a buy that you would regret.

Getting Bathroom Vanity Bunnings

There are many ways in which one can actually get Bathroom vanity Bunnings in Australia. However, it is important that you consider these points before making up your mind. Getting bathroom vanity Bunnings would ensure that you keep your bathroom decluttered while also ensuring that it remains appealing to the eye. You really have nothing to lose.

Nurse Reveals the Top Five Regrets People Make on their Deathbed


Photo by Renee Tamara

For many years I worked in palliative care. My patients were those who had gone home to die. Some incredibly special times were shared. I was with them for the last three to twelve weeks of their lives. People grow a lot when they are faced with their own mortality.

I learnt never to underestimate someones capacity for growth. Some changes were phenomenal. Each experienced a variety of emotions, as expected, denial, fear, anger, remorse, more denial and eventually acceptance. Every single patient found their peace before they departed though, every one of them.

When questioned about any regrets they had or anything they would do differently, common themes surfaced again and again.

Here are the most common five:

1. I wish I’d had the courage to live a life true to myself, not the life others expected of me.

This was the most common regret of all. When people realize that their life is almost over and look back clearly on it, it is easy to see how many dreams have gone unfulfilled. Most people had not honoured even a half of their dreams and had to die knowing that it was due to choices they had made, or not made.

It is very important to try and honour at least some of your dreams along the way. From the moment that you lose your health, it is too late. Health brings a freedom very few realise, until they no longer have it.

2. I wish I didn’t work so hard.

This came from every male patient that I nursed. They missed their children’s youth and their partner’s companionship. Women also spoke of this regret. But as most were from an older generation, many of the female patients had not been breadwinners. All of the men I nursed deeply regretted spending so much of their lives on the treadmill of a work existence.

By simplifying your lifestyle and making conscious choices along the way, it is possible to not need the income that you think you do. And by creating more space in your life, you become happier and more open to new opportunities, ones more suited to your new lifestyle.

3. I wish I’d had the courage to express my feelings.

Many people suppressed their feelings in order to keep peace with others. As a result, they settled for a mediocre existence and never became who they were truly capable of becoming. Many developed illnesses relating to the bitterness and resentment they carried as a result.

We cannot control the reactions of others. However, although people may initially react when you change the way you are by speaking honestly, in the end it raises the relationship to a whole new and healthier level. Either that or it releases the unhealthy relationship from your life. Either way, you win.

4. I wish I had stayed in touch with my friends.

Often they would not truly realise the full benefits of old friends until their dying weeks and it was not always possible to track them down. Many had become so caught up in their own lives that they had let golden friendships slip by over the years. There were many deep regrets about not giving friendships the time and effort that they deserved. Everyone misses their friends when they are dying.

It is common for anyone in a busy lifestyle to let friendships slip. But when you are faced with your approaching death, the physical details of life fall away. People do want to get their financial affairs in order if possible. But it is not money or status that holds the true importance for them. They want to get things in order more for the benefit of those they love. Usually though, they are too ill and weary to ever manage this task. It is all comes down to love and relationships in the end. That is all that remains in the final weeks, love and relationships.

5. I wish that I had let myself be happier.

This is a surprisingly common one. Many did not realise until the end that happiness is a choice. They had stayed stuck in old patterns and habits. The so-called ‘comfort’ of familiarity overflowed into their emotions, as well as their physical lives. Fear of change had them pretending to others, and to their selves, that they were content. When deep within, they longed to laugh properly and have silliness in their life again. When you are on your deathbed, what others think of you is a long way from your mind. How wonderful to be able to let go and smile again, long before you are dying.

Life is a choice. It is YOUR life. Choose consciously, choose wisely, choose honestly. Choose happiness.

About the author:

Bronnie Ware is the author of the best-selling memoir, The Top Five Regrets of the Dying – A Life Transformed by the Dearly Departing, released worldwide, with translations in 27 languages. She also runs an online personal growth and song-writing course, has released two albums of original songs, and writes a well-loved blog. Bronnie’s newest book, Your Year for Change: 52 Reflections for Regret-Free Living, was released in October 2014.

Bronnie’s previous work has included mixing cocktails on a tropical island, management in the banking sector, caring for dying people, teaching song writing to prisoners, and a few things in between. She is now an author, personal growth facilitator, and speaker. Bronnie lives in NSW, Australia.

Check out more of Bronnie’s work at bronnieware.com